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Design102 privacy notice



This privacy notice sets out the standards that you can expect from Design102 when we request or hold personal data about you; how you can get access to a copy of your personal data; and what you can do if you think the standards are not being met.

Design102 is the data controller for the personal information we hold. Design102 collects and processes personal data for the exercise of its own and associated public functions. These include delivering creative services across the public sector.

Sometimes Design102 uses contact information to ask clients if they would like to complete customer service surveys, and to provide information to clients on changes we’re making to the way we operate. We also use this information to keep people informed about the work we do and the services we offer.


About personal data

Personal data is information about you as an individual. It can be your name, email address, work address or telephone number. It can also include information about your job role and where you work.

We know how important it is to protect customers’ privacy and to comply with data protection laws. We will safeguard your personal data and will only disclose it where it is lawful to do so, or with your consent.


Purpose of processing and the lawful basis for the process

We only process personal data that is relevant for the services we are providing to you.

We ask that you provide personal data to enable us to deliver creative projects on your behalf, to contact you with updates on creative projects, and to let you know about changes we’re making to the way we operate. Personal data used for these purposes is processed to enable us to perform our work with you, or to take steps prior to beginning a project, as per Article 6(1)(b) of the UK GDPR.

We also process personal data to keep you keep you informed about the work we do, the services we offer and to invite you to complete customer satisfaction surveys. Personal data used for these purposes is processed with your consent as per Article 6(1)(c) of the UK GDPR. You do not have to provide your consent and you can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing


Who the data may be shared with

We sometimes need to share the personal data we process with the individual themselves and also with other organisations. Where this is necessary we will comply with all aspects of the data protection laws. The organisations we share your personal data with include printing firms or other third party organisations you’ve asked us to work with on projects.


Retention period for data collected

We will retain your personal data for 3 years from your last contact with us, or until such time as you ask us to delete it.


 Data Subject Rights

For your personal data, you have the right to:

  • request copies of your personal information we hold about you
  • be informed about what we do with your personal information
  • request rectification (correcting errors)
  • request erasure (in certain circumstances)
  • request to restrict processing
  • request data portability (in certain circumstances)
  • object or withdraw your consent
  • not be subjected to automated decision-making, including profiling

If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact


When we ask you for personal data

We promise to inform you why we need your personal data.

We will ask only for the personal data we need – we won’t collect information that is irrelevant or excessive.

You can withdraw consent at any time, where relevant.

You can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

We will protect your personal data and make sure no unauthorised person has access to it.

We will only where appropriate and necessary share your personal data with other organisations for legitimate purposes.

We won’t keep your personal data longer than is necessary.

We will not make your personal data available for commercial use without your consent.



The Design102 Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Ms Yinka Williams, The DPO can be contacted via email at or by post at 5th Floor, 102 Petty France, Westminster, London, SW1H 9AJ.

The DPO provides independent advice and monitoring of our use of personal information.

You can also make a complaint to the Information Commissioner, who is an independent regulator.

Information Commissioner
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Textphone: 01625 545860
Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF


For more information

Please contact Design102 for more information about:

  • our instructions to staff on how to collect, use or delete your personal information
  • how we check that the information we hold is accurate and up-to-date
  • how to make a complaint