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Prison Officer recruitment

Ministry of Justice (MOJ)

The challenge

Design102 were asked by the MOJ to create a series of recruitment films that showcased prison officers within their working environment, talking positively about their experience and providing insight into the roles, challenges and most of all the rewarding aspects to the job.

Our solution

For this series it was important to show a variety of different prison settings, so we filmed at 5 prisons across the UK. We interviewed a diverse range of prison officers who provided positive insights into their own experience and information about their role within the prison. We filmed a wide range of B-roll shots in dynamic documentary style to give candidates insight into life at the prison.

Be The Difference police recruitment

Home Office

The challenge

In July 2019, the PM confirmed a manifesto pledge to recruit 20,000 additional police officers by March 2023, with a focus on recruiting from underrepresented communities. Insight showed that marginalised groups were less likely to consider a career in policing due to beliefs that the police may be unable to adapt to religious requirements, or that institutional race and gender discrimination would be an issue. Police forces across the country should reflect the communities they serve, so our campaign had to challenge those misconceptions.

Our solution

We produced a video series showcasing the real stories of police officers from diverse backgrounds to dispel myths and reach minority communities. We worked with eight police associations to find our subjects, including Sikh, Jewish, Christian, black, disabled, autistic, LGBT+ and women. We held discovery calls with each officer to get to know them and build trust, leading to a video tailored to their unique story. To break down misconceptions, we knew we had to be empathetic and realistic – not shying away from the difficulties that officers can face.

The Twinning Project

Ministry of Justice

The challenge

MoJ asked us to capture a sporting event at HMP Downview. The Twinning Project, set up by former Arsenal FC owner and vice chairman David Dein, pairs professional clubs with local prisons to use football as a catalyst for positive change. We knew the shoot would be a challenge, mainly because of restrictions of who could and couldn’t be filmed.

Our solution

Using clever editing and long lenses to focus on specific faces among the crowd, we managed to capture the atmosphere effectively. We focused on contributors and offenders interacting and enjoying the experience, using inspirational music to emphasise the positive message. The video also includes interviews with David Dein and former England star Alex Scott.

Great work starts with a conversation

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